1. ubuntu is installed run following command opening your terminal( ctrl+alt+T).
3. (now make sure you have not run sudo su to be superuser )
Downloading NS-3( ns -3 version 3.19 not 3.13)
mkdir ns3
cd ns3
wget http://www.nsnam.org/release/ns-allinone-3.19.tar.bz2
tar xjf ns-allinone-3.19.tar.bz2
cd ns -allinone-3.19/
4. Then you can find build. py along with other files.
Then to build the examples in ns-3 run
. /build . py --enable-examples --enable-tests
If the build is successful then it will give output
"Build finished successfully". (clap for yourself)
5. Now run the following command to configure with waf ( build tool)
. /waf -d debug --enable-examples --enable-tests configure
To build with waf ( optional)
. /waf
6. To test everything allright
. /test . py
If the tests are ok the installation is done. :)