Saturday, September 3, 2016

Step By Step Mapreduce Example run on hadoop 2.7.1 with video

Step 1: open terminal using ctrl+alt+T

Step 2: go to hadoop user using
hadoopashish@ubuntu:su hadoop-user

Step 3: Start all Hadoop using below command
hadoop-user@ubantu :

Step 4: Make new Data Directory on Desktop and create on text file in side Data folder which is on desktop

Step 5:After start hadoop just type below text
hadoop-user@ubantu : jps
6385 ResourceManager
6146 SecondaryNameNode
5637 NameNode
6696 NodeManager
5866 DataNode
12510 Jps

Step 6:after doing this You have to go on below path
hadoop-user@ubantu : cd   /usr/local/hadoop/
or which path inside your Directory Mine is
hadoop-user@ubantu : cd   /usr/local/hadoop-2.7.1/

Step 7 :after going in this folder you have to type
hadoop-user@ubantu : cd /usr/local/hadoop-2.7.1 $ bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir /user
after this press enter
hadoop-user@ubantu : cd /usr/local/hadoop-2.7.1 $ bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/ashish/
after this press enter

Step 8 : next step to open web browser to veryfying this user will be created or not so just open web browser and type in navigation bar
then press enter.You are seeing hadoop window inside that you have to go utilities-->Browse the file System, In side that you can see Browse Directory list.just click on GO Button and You can see that below user directory then select that user directory u can see another directory which one we have created ahead,In my case i see ashish directory name I am seeing.
then verification is done.

Step 9: now we are give the input which is stored on desktop/data/text.txt
hadoop-user@ubuntu:/usr/local/hadoop-2.7.1$ hdfs dfs -put /home/hadoopashish/Desktop/data input
so here hadoop system is getting input directory file

Step 10: now this is main step to run map-reduce.
Here first you have to type hadoop which is internal command.
the jar which is java archive file extensionw which will be run our hadoop-mapreduce-example-2.7.1.jar
the wordcount which is program name which is inbuilt store inside hadoop-mapreduce-example-2.7.1.jar file
then our input file name input and output which is going to stored output of next after running this command.
hadoop-user@ubuntu:/usr/local/hadoop-2.7.1$ hadoop  jar  share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-example-2.7.1.jar  wordcount  input  output

After putting this step just press enter and your mapreduce job is going to run and u can see that process in terminal window

Step 11: after completing this step u have to go once again in the browser and open localhost:50070 then go in utilities à browse the file system inside that click on GO button and go inside user the inside user goes in hadoop-user (My Directory where stored file)
You can see too file input and output.
You can see there r-0000 file and success file in output r-0000 file yes this is our output file.
Open it and u can see the output of this file

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